
Jesse Andreas, L. Ac. is an excellent practitioner with a passion for healing and wellness. Jesse has helped me many times with my back and knee problems, but he went above and beyond with my recent skin issues. I was suffering for one year with a severely painful rash that affected my entire body except my face, palms of my hands and soles of my feet. I had seen 8 different dermatologists and had multiple biopsies and other lab studies. I was tried on oral and topical steroids as well as two immunosuppressants with potentially very dangerous side effects. Jesse took the time to REALLY LISTEN to me and approach my rash from a holistic perspective. His treatment plan incorporated raw herbs and acupuncture. He cared enough to consult with another practitioner who specialized in diseases of the skin. In addition to my clinic visits, he communicated with me via phone/text and even ordered herbs after business hours and on weekends. When I speak with Jesse his voice always calms me and I appreciate that he takes the time to explain what he thinks is going on and how his treatment plan will help me. I am thrilled to report that after six months of herbs and acupuncture, I have my healthy skin back!
I’ve been receiving acupuncture at Stillpoint off and on during pregnancies and postpartum for at least five years now. I have deep respect and love for the acupuncturists who helped me through two cycles of IVF and the healthy births of my three children (twin boys in 2013 and then another baby boy in 2016). Recently I became pregnant again and was hesitant to return to Stillpoint since my main practitioners were no longer practicing at Stillpoint (one had moved away and another found a job closer to home). I just wasn’t sure about receiving acupuncture from someone new. However, I knew I wanted acupuncture care during this pregnancy, so I made an appointment with Debby as soon I could. Unfortunately, the week before I was to come in, I found out we had lost the baby. I kept the appointment anyway and walked into Stillpoint needing healing and support. I was greeted by Melissa (love her!), and during the entire appointment I felt such love and support from Melissa and Debby. I walked out of acupuncture that day feeling so much better than I had when I walked in. Since then, I’m currently undergoing a final IVF cycle, and I’m keeping weekly and biweekly appointments with Debby. Debby is very friendly, and I have found her to have a good balance of honesty and support. She is straightforward with her advice on health choices, but supportive of whatever decisions I make. I feel she has my health and best interest in mind, and I’m grateful to be receiving care from her during this time.
I first came to know Stillpoint through the community clinic which offers a sliding scale for services and allowed me to go more than once a week. My first time I really didn’t know what to expect and I have inhibitions for needles regardless of size. It was a very calm and relaxing session and I left feeling at the very least peaceful. I was a recent breast cancer survivor and finished with treatments and my husband and I wanted to try to conceive. The underlying goal was to conceive but I began to feel an overall increased in well being that it didn’t matter if I became pregnant I still wanted to keep my weekly acupuncture and herb sessions. After 7 months, despite the odds (one of the chemotherapies I took had been recalled for excessive damage to the ovaries ) we found out we were pregnant…with twins! My husband began this journey as a skeptic of non traditional medicine but he now recommends it to colleagues. I really feel like Heather and Austin knew my needs and attribute my conception and wellness during the pregnancy to treatments received at Stillpoint. I also delivered the twins at 36 weeks and they went home with me without any time spent in NICU which is also another miracle. (C.G)
After trying to conceive for two years, I started acupuncture and Chinese herbs and was pregnant three months later. More importantly, physical issues that I had for years were relieved with the weekly treatments I had at community clinic. Not only did it help with female issues, but there were times I remember going in to clinic feeling a cold coming on, having a back spasm, feeling anxious and/or depressed, and by the next day after treatment I felt so much better. I continued to have acupuncture throughout my pregnancy and am convinced that it helped with everything from nosebleeds to having a great birth experience. I believe in the power of acupuncture to treat a myriad of ‘issues’. I believe that it helps not only to treat physical problems but helps you to be a healthier, whole person. I was committed to seeking treatment and using herbs, but am so grateful to the women at Stillpoint that have helped me in so many ways. They are all extremely knowledgable and I love the one on one care that you receive. I have a fear of needles and that interfered with me seeking acupuncture, but it is so different than getting a shot or other needles that you think of and I am so glad that I decided to start acupuncture! I highly recommend Stillpoint Acupuncture!!!!-KS
My husband and I had been trying to have a baby for three years. My body no longer felt like my own. I was tired of the drugs and invasive fertility treatments. The moment I walked into Stillpoint I felt at ease. I knew Heather understood, cared and believed she could help. We started acupuncture and herbs. I felt better immediately, and with every treatment I felt healthier, happier and finally in control of my body. After about four months I was ready to try again, and we went through another round of IVF. I continued with the acupuncture and herbs with the full encouragement of my OB/Gyn. Now we have two beautiful baby boys.
I started acupuncture at Stillpoint about 4 months ago. I have struggled with headaches and neck pain for about 40 years. I suffered with a headache almost every day with differing severity of the pain and had been taking prescription medicine for the headaches for YEARS. The headaches and neck pain had affected my life. I was missing out on fun activities, work and events with family. I could easily end up with a migraine and be in bed for a day or two and even had a few hospital visits. In the last 4 months, I have had maybe 3 headaches. Christi De Larco has helped me with pain and stress management so much. Before the session begins, she asks a lot of questions – how am I sleeping; bathroom habits; body temperature; water intake and so forth. Not only does this give her the data she needs for her treatment of me, but it has made me more mindful of my health. I take note of how I slept and what was different. (I now realize that I don’t sleep well and don’t feel as well if I eat Chinese or Mexican food for dinner.) I drink more water because I know Christi is going to ask me about my water intake. Same goes for vegetables! Christi seems to truly care about my health, sleep, stress level and overall wellness. She provides suggestions on certain stretches that will help my neck; reminds me to make my meals 50% veggies and encourages me to keep exercising. I have recommended Stillpoint to several of my friends for chronic pain and stress management. It has truly changed my life for the better. -CS
An amazing experience — after suffering constant, burning pain in my left arm and shoulder for weeks, I went for a treatment. Three needles — just three — in my ankle of all places and the pain was gone. The pain lessened with the insertion of each needle.
Originally, I started having acupuncture at Stillpoint on Sept. 9, 2009 for hip bursitis. I have continued treatment off and on since that time and would go daily if at all possible. During this period of time, I have been treated for more symptoms than the original bursitis and have found the treatments to be most helpful in all circumstances. At times, I have requested particular treatments, but mostly have trusted in the guidance of the practitioner and my own body’s request for what it needs. The community clinic was a blessing during a time of financial crisis and not being able to see a practitioner one on one. I am so thankful and blessed that the clinic was there for me during that time and am grateful for the willingness of the clinic to offer this service to the community. I believe that I have been treated by all the practitioners at Stillpoint at one time or another, but Diane Gross has been my main practitioner. I have said many times, she is an angel here on earth for me. Her dedication and loving care to the well being of her clients goes beyond what words can describe. Not only do the treatments work on the physical level but on many other levels as well. I am blessed to have been able to experience them all. I am, and always will be grateful for Diane and Stillpoint for the love and support that they provide. I would encourage everyone to give acupuncture a try. (L.F.)
Doctors have told me for over 20 years that I am very healthy but my skeleton and muscular condition are a mess. I’ve been blessed to choose to believe that I can listen to my body and find people who have been kind enough to help not only treat symptoms but, also offer preventative recommendations. Chiropractic care and massage have often been a huge help to me for the issues with my neck, back, and shoulders. But… too much time has been spent treating those areas and not the source… my feet. I was born with severely deformed clubfeet. All of my baby pictures include full length, leg casts trying to reshape/reform my structure. When that did not work, heel cord surgery was done to “draw my feet up” slightly. This worked well on my right foot but not on my left. So after 2 surgeries on both feet, we went for 3 more on my left. The last was a total reconstruction performed by a gifted surgeon at Duke who was willing to do something for me that had not been done before. I can thank Duke for helping me find my way back on crutches and walking and running by the end of first grade. Fast forward – I come to see Diane because of pain radiating from my shoulders down through my arms in into my hands. Several doctors have told me that I must be dealing with some sort of auto-immune disorder because of the joint and muscular pain I have been dealing with for about 10 years now. Diane was so very kind to listen closely to my symptoms, and also my heart. I can’t tell you when I knew that Diane was able to really discern what I did not know how to say, I just know that the genuine love and concern she has shown has been a marvelous gift to me whether the pain went away or not. So, the interesting thing for me is that as I have been coming to see Diane for help with my upper body, I would always find that the needles she put in my feet caused sensations that I have never felt in my left foot. I could feel the energy moving through and giving me strength and relief in areas of great pain. Diane was quick to pick up on the fact that this pain was truly my greatest struggle. It was MY PLEASURE to tell her that when I would stand up after treatment, I would “favor” my left foot. This is an experience that I have never had in 41 years. She has continued to offer suggestions and has been extremely creative in getting deeper and deeper into whatever has been stuck in my foot. Every treatment is different, but I always WALK out feeling taller and stronger. Sometimes my foot stays strong for several days and sometimes just the rest of that day. Either way, it has been a remarkable experience to have someone offer hope, concern, and encouragement in my journey. Stillpoint is a place of rest for me. I look forward to visiting each week and enjoy a warm bed in a silent room. Some of my deepest prayers are uttered there. I have laid on the bed and wept at how much pain I have carried. I thank God that He can, and does, use Diane to help bring healing. Sometimes, my physical pain is so distant that I am able to deal with other relational and business issues. That doesn’t usually take place very often so I am grateful to come in as often as possible. Diane has also been kind to ask how I am doing in with relationships and work. She never pushes, just listens and offers thoughts for consideration. Sometimes I feel as though I am receiving help for my body, soul, and heart. Please feel free to share any of this as you would like. Thank you again for the opportunity to share my experience at Stillpoint! (KS)
When I initially came to see Kim I told her upfront I was skeptical and her response was ‘ok, good. Now, tell me where you feel pain and let’s fix it. That’s exactly what she did and I was convinced. I have been using acupuncture since 1976 in several different states and have found the levels of professionalism, caring, commitment and skills at Stillpoint to be outstanding.
After 1 year of anti-inflammatory meds and 6+ months of traditional physical therapy with no relief, Diane was able to make my shoulder/neck pain go away in 4 sessions!!
I have Meniere’s Disease, which is an inner ear problem that, in addition to hearing loss, can cause bouts of extreme vertigo, or dizziness. My hearing specialist had nothing to recommend. I began acupuncture after several months of unpredictable episodes of dizziness which kept me for work and travel. Life was very much circumscribed by this issue. With acupuncture, (and diet changes) I began to see a steady improvement. After about two months, I had my life back again! I am very grateful to Jessie for his skillful and caring treatment and for the gift of health again.
You have taught me to access peace within myself. I will be forever grateful to Stillpoint Acupuncture for that gift. I originally came to Heather to be treated for depression. The treatment was very successful and I have not experienced a recurrence for over 7 years. Currently I am undergoing treatment for hypothyroidism and after only 5 weeks have seen improvement. I have been so pleased after coming to Stillpoint. My feet have hurt for over a year and it was getting so I could hardly get started walking. Felt like I was in my 90’s trying to walk they hurt so bad and it was getting so nothing seemed to work. Don’t want to take anti-inflammatory meds all the time and this is so helpful and extremely relaxing as my job at this time is extremely stressful. I have enjoyed meeting and talking with Jennifer. She is so kind and truly wants to help with the pain in my feet and knees, as well as other “things” she sees going on with me. Your kindness makes me look “truly forward” to my sessions with her every week. I leave so refreshed and truly relaxed. Her voice is so kind and she has such a compassionate way and truly wants to help with the pain. I have recommended her to several of my friends.
I have suffered from chronic sinusitis for over 20 years. I have basically had one to three sinus infections per year since I was a teenager. This past week, I got my first one of the year and thought to call Heather (who had been helping me with knee pain). I asked her if there was any way that she could help with my sinus infection. She said to come on in & I am so glad I did!! Heather treated me and sent me home with herbs to take over the next few days. I felt better and was back to being healthy and pain free in no time. This is the first year I can remember not getting on antibiotics and being miserable for weeks. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! (R.W.)
Since 2001, Stillpoint Acupuncture has gone through many iterations including different locations, different clinical offerings and 17 different practitioners who have been generous enough to share their skills and talents with us. We have been honored to serve our patients with a common commitment to quality, individualized care, despite a wide diversity of backgrounds and education our practitioners brought to our practice. Each acupuncturist who works with Stillpoint has excellent clinical skills and a love for Chinese Medicine. In the stories below, you may see reference to practitioners who are no longer with Stillpoint. Sometimes they have moved out of state, opened their own practice, or retired. But we have been made better by each and every person who has worked here, and we encourage each of our practitioners to develop their own skills in whichever way resonates most with them. We hope that you can see that in the stories below. Even though these testimonials may refer to a particular practitioner, you can be confident that similar results can be attained by any of our acupuncturists.